Регистрация нового пользователя

* - поля, обязательные для заполнения

Учётная запись
Персональные данные
Обзор УдалитьМаксимальный размер загружаемого файла: 10MBРазрешённые типы файлов: jpg, png, gif, jpegДопустимое количество файлов: 1

      Место работы



      action => 'self'
      controller => 'reg'
      module => 'user'

      View vars

      form => HM_Form_User Object()

      Database queries

      Metadata cache is ENABLED

      Adapter 0

      1. [0.63 ms] connect
      2. [0.19 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name IN ('adSsoEnable', 'adSyncEnable', 'adHost', 'adPort', 'adUseStartTls', 'adUsername', 'adPassword', 'adAccountDomainName', 'adAccountDomainNameShort', 'adBaseDn', 'adQuery'))
      3. [24.47 ms] DESCRIBE `deputy_assign`
      4. [20.03 ms] SELECT `deputy_assign`.* FROM `deputy_assign` WHERE ((not_active IS NULL OR not_active = 0) AND deputy_user_id = 0 AND (end_date > '20250123 15:29:22'))
      5. [21.53 ms] DESCRIBE `structure_of_organ`
      6. [0.25 ms] SELECT `structure_of_organ`.* FROM `structure_of_organ` WHERE (blocked=0 and deputy = '')
      7. [0.21 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'security_logger')
      8. [0.23 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'disable_multiple_authentication')
      9. [1.4 ms] SELECT `help`.* FROM `help` WHERE (module = 'user') AND (controller = 'reg') AND (role = 'guest') AND (action = 'self') AND (link_subject = 0) AND (app_module='application_module') AND (lang = 'rus' OR lang = '' OR lang IS NULL)
      10. [0.34 ms] INSERT INTO `session_guest` (`start`, `stop`) VALUES (?, ?)
      11. [10.39 ms] DESCRIBE `People`
      12. [0.24 ms] SELECT `People`.* FROM `People` WHERE (Login LIKE 'user_%') ORDER BY `Login` DESC LIMIT 500
      13. [0.32 ms] SELECT `People`.* FROM `People` WHERE (Login = 'user_0012')
      14. [0.23 ms] SELECT `People`.* FROM `People` WHERE (Login = 'user_0013')
      15. [0.24 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name IN ('passwordMinLength', 'passwordMinNoneRepeated', 'passwordCheckDifficult', 'passwordMaxPeriod', 'passwordMinPeriod', 'passwordRestriction', 'passwordMaxFailedTry', 'passwordFailedActions'))
      16. [0.25 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'userFields')
      17. [0.39 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'regUseCaptcha')
      18. [0.22 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'regRequireAgreement')
      19. [0.25 ms] SELECT `structure_of_organ`.* FROM `structure_of_organ` WHERE (type = 0)
      20. [0.23 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'use_techsupport')

      File Information

      434 Files Included
      Total Size: 4258.6K
      Basepath: /hosting/www/medical.elearn.ru/PUB_medical.elearn.ru/public/unmanaged

      Application Files


      Zend Library Files


      ZFDebug Library Files


      Memory Usage

      Controller: 12474.2K

      Custom Timers

      Controller: 409.47 ms

      Overall Timers

      Avg: 1715.88 ms / 1 requests
      Min: 1715.88 ms
      Max: 1715.88 ms

      Reset timers by sending ZFDEBUG_RESET as a GET/POST parameter

      Registered Instances

      ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_JQuery => HM_View_Helper_JQuery_Container Object()
      Zend_Locale => Zend_Locale Object()
      Zend_Translate => Zend_Translate Object()
      Zend_View_Helper_Doctype => ArrayObject Object()
      Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object()
      baseUrl => 'http://medical.elearn.ru/'
      cache => Zend_Cache_Core Object()
      config => HM_Config_Ini Object()
      log_integration => Zend_Log Object()
      log_mail => Zend_Log Object()
      log_security => Zend_Log Object()
      log_system => Zend_Log Object()
      serviceContainer => HM_ServiceContainer Object()
      session_namespace_default => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
      session_namespace_unmanaged => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
      session_redirector => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
      translate => Zend_Translate Object()
      unmanaged_controller => Controller Object()
      view => HM_View_Extended Object()
      copyright 1.10.8/5.3.29variables Variablesdatabase 20 in 82.02 msfile 434 Filesmemory 39806K of -1time 1715.88 msregistry Registry (19)«