
Информационный слайдер

Виджет не имеет собственной области на экране, но изменяет общий шаблон страницы

Учебные курсы

Начало курса: 09.03.2021




action => 'index'
controller => 'index'
module => 'default'

View vars

blocks =>
0 =>
0 =>
attribs =>
block => 'subjectsBannerBlock'
title => 'Информационный слайдер'
width => 100
x => 0
y => 0
1 =>
0 =>
attribs =>
block => 'subjectsSliderBlock'
title => 'Учебные курсы'
width => 100
x => 0
y => 1
2 =>
0 =>
attribs =>
block => 'lastNewsBlock'
title => 'Новости'
width => 100
x => 0
y => 2
forcedBlocks =>
0 =>
attribs =>
name => 'deputyBlock'
title => 'Напоминание о замещении'
1 =>
attribs =>
name => 'adaptationBlock'
title => 'Адаптация'
2 =>
attribs =>
name => 'reserveBlock'
title => 'Кадровый резерв'
3 =>
attribs =>
name => 'reserveRespondentBlock'
title => 'Кадровый резерв'
4 =>
attribs =>
name => 'rotationBlock'
title => 'Ротация'
role => 'guest'
roles =>
admin => 'Администратор'
atmanager => 'Менеджер по оценке'
atmanager_local => 'Специалист по оценке'
dean => 'Менеджер по обучению'
dean_local => 'Специалист по обучению'
developer => 'Разработчик ресурсов'
guest => 'Гость'
manager => 'Менеджер базы знаний'
student => 'Слушатель'
supervisor => 'Руководитель'
teacher => 'Преподаватель'
user => 'Пользователь'
user => NULL

Database queries

Metadata cache is ENABLED

Adapter 0

  1. [0.71 ms] connect
  2. [0.23 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name IN ('adSsoEnable', 'adSyncEnable', 'adHost', 'adPort', 'adUseStartTls', 'adUsername', 'adPassword', 'adAccountDomainName', 'adAccountDomainNameShort', 'adBaseDn', 'adQuery'))
  3. [0.19 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'security_logger')
  4. [0.16 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'disable_multiple_authentication')
  5. [1.52 ms] SELECT `help`.* FROM `help` WHERE (module = 'default') AND (controller = 'index') AND (role = 'guest') AND (action = 'index') AND (link_subject = 0) AND (app_module='application_module') AND (lang = 'rus' OR lang = '' OR lang IS NULL)
  6. [0.52 ms] INSERT INTO `session_guest` (`start`, `stop`) VALUES (?, ?)
  7. [0.22 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'regRequireAgreement')
  8. [1.11 ms] DESCRIBE `news2`
  9. [0.22 ms] SELECT `news2`.* FROM `news2` WHERE (`show`= 1)
  10. [1.1 ms] DESCRIBE `interface`
  11. [0.21 ms] SELECT `interface`.* FROM `interface` WHERE (role = 'guest') AND (user_id = 0)
  12. [0.87 ms] DESCRIBE `admins`
  13. [0.21 ms] SELECT `admins`.* FROM `admins` WHERE (MID = 0)
  14. [1.01 ms] DESCRIBE `permission_groups`
  15. [0.25 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  16. [0.18 ms] SELECT `interface`.* FROM `interface` WHERE (role = 'guest') AND (user_id = 0)
  17. [13.99 ms] SELECT `s`.`subid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`short_description` AS `description`, `s`.`base_id`, `s`.`base_color`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`reg_type`, `s`.`claimant_process_id`, `s`.`banner_url` FROM `subjects` AS `s` LEFT JOIN `classifiers_links` AS `c` ON s.subid = c.item_id AND c.type = 0 LEFT JOIN `classifiers` AS `class` ON c.classifier_id = class.classifier_id WHERE (s.period IN (1, 2) OR s.period_restriction_type = 1 OR (s.period_restriction_type = 2 AND (s.state = 1 OR s.state = 0 OR s.state is null) ) OR (s.period = 0 AND s.end > '2025-01-24 15:42:28')) AND (s.reg_type = 1) AND (s.in_banner = 1) GROUP BY `s`.`subid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`short_description`, `s`.`reg_type`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`claimant_process_id`, `s`.`banner_url`, `s`.`base_id`, `s`.`base_color`, `s`.`in_banner` ORDER BY `s`.`name` ASC
  18. [0.25 ms] SELECT `a`.* FROM `htmlpage` AS `a` LEFT JOIN `htmlpage_groups` AS `b` ON a.group_id = b.group_id WHERE ((b.role = 'guest') OR (a.group_id = 0)) AND (a.visible = 1) ORDER BY `b`.`ordr` ASC, `a`.`ordr` ASC, `a`.`page_id` ASC
  19. [2.66 ms] DESCRIBE `subjects`
  20. [0.36 ms] SELECT `subjects`.* FROM `subjects` WHERE (in_slider = 1)
  21. [13.39 ms] SELECT `s`.`subid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`base_id`, `s`.`base_color`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`reg_type`, `s`.`price`, `s`.`begin`, `s`.`longtime`, `s`.`claimant_process_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(class.name) AS `classes` FROM `subjects` AS `s` LEFT JOIN `classifiers_links` AS `c` ON s.subid = c.item_id AND c.type = 0 LEFT JOIN `classifiers` AS `class` ON c.classifier_id = class.classifier_id WHERE (s.reg_type = 1) AND (s.period IN (1, 2) OR s.period_restriction_type = 1 OR (s.period_restriction_type = 2 AND (s.state = 1 OR s.state = 0 OR s.state is null) ) OR (s.period = 0 AND s.end > '2025-01-24 15:42:28')) GROUP BY `s`.`subid`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`reg_type`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`claimant_process_id`, `s`.`base_id`, `s`.`base_color`, `s`.`price`, `s`.`begin`, `s`.`longtime` ORDER BY `s`.`name` ASC
  22. [0.28 ms] SELECT `admins`.* FROM `admins` WHERE (MID = '')
  23. [0.27 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  24. [1.1 ms] DESCRIBE `deans`
  25. [19.39 ms] SELECT `deans`.* FROM `deans` WHERE (MID = '')
  26. [0.26 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  27. [0.92 ms] DESCRIBE `at_managers`
  28. [0.45 ms] SELECT `at_managers`.* FROM `at_managers` WHERE (user_id = '')
  29. [0.25 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  30. [0.29 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  31. [0.24 ms] SELECT `permission_groups`.* FROM `permission_groups`
  32. [0.25 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'activity')
  33. [1.43 ms] DESCRIBE `news`
  34. [0.27 ms] SELECT `news`.* FROM `news` WHERE ((subject_name = '' OR subject_name IS NULL) AND subject_id = 0) ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 5
  35. [0.32 ms] SELECT `OPTIONS`.* FROM `OPTIONS` WHERE (name LIKE 'use_techsupport')

File Information

413 Files Included
Total Size: 3876.2K
Basepath: /hosting/www/medical.elearn.ru/PUB_medical.elearn.ru/public/unmanaged

Application Files


Zend Library Files


ZFDebug Library Files


Memory Usage

Controller: 10189.23K

Custom Timers

Controller: 471.08 ms

Overall Timers

Avg: 1679.83 ms / 1 requests
Min: 1679.83 ms
Max: 1679.83 ms

Reset timers by sending ZFDEBUG_RESET as a GET/POST parameter

Registered Instances

ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_JQuery => HM_View_Helper_JQuery_Container Object()
Zend_Locale => Zend_Locale Object()
Zend_Translate => Zend_Translate Object()
Zend_View_Helper_Doctype => ArrayObject Object()
Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object()
baseUrl => 'http://medical.elearn.ru/'
cache => Zend_Cache_Core Object()
config => HM_Config_Ini Object()
log_integration => Zend_Log Object()
log_mail => Zend_Log Object()
log_security => Zend_Log Object()
log_system => Zend_Log Object()
serviceContainer => HM_ServiceContainer Object()
session_namespace_default => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
session_namespace_unmanaged => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
session_redirector => Zend_Session_Namespace Object()
translate => Zend_Translate Object()
unmanaged_controller => Controller Object()
view => HM_View_Extended Object()
copyright 1.10.8/5.3.29variables Variablesdatabase 35 in 65.07 msfile 413 Filesmemory 36230K of -1time 1679.83 msregistry Registry (19)«